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Category: Cron
Cron -> subscription

This is a copy from the subscription.php in cron folder..

$subscriptions_reminders = $vbulletin->db->query_read("
SELECT subscriptionlog.subscriptionid, subscriptionlog.userid, subscriptionlog.expirydate, user.username,, user.languageid
FROM " . TABLE_PREFIX . "subscriptionlog AS subscriptionlog
LEFT JOIN " . TABLE_PREFIX . "user AS user ON (user.userid = subscriptionlog.userid)
WHERE subscriptionlog.expirydate >= " . (TIMENOW + (86400 * 2)) . "
AND subscriptionlog.expirydate <= " . (TIMENOW + (86400 * 3)) . "
AND status = 1

Just wondering if i got it right that it check if it's more than 2 days, but less than 3days left ... and if thats correct it sends out email notification ???

there seem to be a problem that every now and then it spams the users with "expire soon" mails...

Is there any way to fix this ?

privacy (GDPR)